Monday, March 27, 2006

Where Is The INS When You Need Them?!!

Illegal Aliens: Just Mobbing the Streets Americans Won't Mob

by Mac Johnson
Posted Mar 27, 2006

To the astonishment and delight of the news media, Saturday saw an unprecedented protest by an estimated 500,000 illegal aliens and their advocates in Los Angeles. Smaller rallies were held in cities across the country, opposing efforts to secure the border and finally crack down on illegal entry into America by millions of unscreened foreigners. Apparently, the protests prove what a “divisive” issue illegal immigration is. To me, they simply prove that criminals dislike the prospect of increased law enforcement.

But that’s not all the protests prove. They also prove how ridiculously out of control our federal government has let the problem get. Which is worse -- that a half million immigration criminals and their descendants and sympathizers can be found in a single American city, or that the current immigration enforcement system is such a joke that the half million have nothing to fear from openly entering the public streets and arguing against legislation currently before Congress?

It’s as if thieves thought they could form a union to lobby for fewer cops....

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    Rooster Cashews said...
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    Rooster Cashews said...

    You just know they are willing to adapt to the customs of their adopted country when you see mexican flags being waved (instead of American flags) by people in Che T-shirts (instead of an American Eagle), and yelling in Spanish (instead of English).

    On a positive note: One Dallas girl lost her hand yesterday after skipping school to protest, when the SUV she was in flipped over.

    I guess she can use her teeth to hold on to the ends of sheets at the hotel she will end up working at.

    /Is that HSO enough?