Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Great Summary of the ILLEGAL Alien Problem

“I’m going to sneak into your house. Once I’m inside, I’m going to find a place to hang out. I’ll sneak around and take whatever money I can find. I’ll use your computer and sign myself up on your family’s health insurance. I’ll help myself to whatever food is in your fridge. And should you catch me, I’ll protest and demand that I not only stay in your home as long as I want, but that you call the police and have all charges against me dropped. Oh, and by the way, my family will be moving in soon.”

Thanks to Bob Parks for the above excerpt.

Read more of his great article
  • HERE

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    I realize that this is a very simplistic analogy, but it makes a good point.

    I am not against people immigrating to this country LEGALLY. I do agree that most Latinos, and most other immigrants for that matter, are good people who work hard and make this country better. I just want some accountability.

    Immigrate here LEGALLY, obey the laws, pay your taxes, and you can be part of the "American dream".

    I am sick of the entitlement society that liberals have created. It is NOT your RIGHT to come to this country and benefit from our society. It is an opportunity given to you as long as you do it legally and contribute back to our society through your hard work and by PAYING TAXES to help support all of the benefits that some misguided individuals think are free to everyone.

    Follow these rules, stop being manipulated by LULAC, and enjoy this great nation!


    Rooster Cashews said...

    Mexican haikus.......

    At the Taco Bell

    I hear accordions now.

    All is going straight to hell.

    Invading your town

    I drive with no insurance.

    Can I cut your grass?
    And with those two...

    I'm done goofing off.

    No this is not a haiku.

    Oh wait, yes it is.

    Ariba, ariba. Assclown.

    Richard said...

    Crossing the border

    Freak rain storm out of the blue

    Rio Grande consumes.