Sunday, June 04, 2006

A Little Reality From Our Neighbors To The North

We are the enemy in this war with terror

The Calgary Sun ^ | 2006-06-04 02:50:34 MST | RICK BELL

Call it what it is. This is a war. An underhanded evil campaign planned all over the world where we are the enemy. Not just the few folks serving in our uniforms. Not just the powerful politicians who make the decisions we like or don't like, support or oppose.

We are the enemy. You, me and the family down the street.

Yes, there are those who believe if you die or your kids die or some soul you don't know, who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, is blasted to an instant grave, then the world will somehow be better, some supposed oppression will be relieved, some twisted virtue will be advanced.

It is total crap. But total crap is always a big seller. Why not someone selling madness against us?

Yes, the events unfolding this weekend in Ontario teach us a truth many of us don't want to see because it isn't a nice truth.

Truth isn't always nice. In fact, it often isn't. The world isn't all nicey-nice where all we must do is just sit down and talk it all out. Everybody doesn't love us even if we act all unimposing and inoffensive and accept all views and respect all sides and invite all ideas, even if we unfurl the banner of the ever high-minded and fair-of-temperament, even if we refuse to join in on Dubya's designs in Iraq.

We can sign up for a bazillion peacekeeping and peacemaking missions and dole out dough and put a Canadian flag on a backpack, but it won't serve as well as a bulletproof vest against these creeps.

To these merchants of hate, including individuals within our very own welcoming borders, we are mere decadent unbelieving pieces of dirt, the enemies of righteousness and the true path. Why are we such scum? They believe God told them so.

You would think the arrests of suspected terrorists with enough explosives to triple the atrocity of the Oklahoma City bombing would wipe all sleep from our eyes, but even such an event can be rationalized. That's out in Ontario. That's in Toronto. It's not Alberta. Comfy, cocooned Alberta.

Harvey hopes we don't go back to our slumbers. Harvey Cenaiko is the province's top cop, the solicitor general and the Minister of Public Security. The second title was added about a year ago to his portfolio for reasons we should now see as crystal clear.

"We have to be prepared. The threat is real. They kill people in the blink of an eye. A lot of Canadians said it could never happen in Canada. Some still say a terror attack could never happen in Alberta. Well, Albertans can't afford to have that attitude. We hope and pray for the best, but we have no room to be complacent."

But we are complacent because we have it good and most of us have never had bombs falling on our pretty little heads. So we sleep.

Harvey received a call from his security people early yesterday. First indications from intelligence show no direct connection between what is alleged in Ontario and any activities in Alberta. The decision is made to keep this province's terrorist threat level low, but is reviewed daily. Harvey says interviewing those in custody could turn up more information, and when it comes to any local terrorist links, "law enforcement is definitely aware of persons of interest."

The public security boss also reminds readers Canada is on an al-Qaida hit list, and pipelines and oilpatch facilities providing energy to the U.S. are considered to be in the possible crosshairs of a cell of killers for a cause. The lawman also mentions fraud artists in this city sending millions in ill-gotten gains to the Middle East to pay for terrorism.

The province is also looking at its crisis plans on how to identify threats, stop them and yes, respond, if the worst occurs.

"We can't say: 'Oh good, Alberta is not at risk.' We have to be more vigilant," says the solicitor general, who appeals to citizens to report any suspicious activity to the police.

"We have to stay one step ahead of the terrorists."

For now, we have. But the war is far from over.

Article HERE


Welcome to the party, pal. muslims don't just hate Americans; they hate and want to destroy all non-muslims (infidels)! Their ultimate goal being islamic world domination where sexually frustrated mullahs have their choice of virgins and little boys to abuse. Despite what Al Bore says, islam is THE scourge of the 21st century!

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