Monday, August 08, 2005

Lest We Forget

With all of the Iraq anti-war propaganda that is being spouted by the baby-booming, communist-loving, Vietnam-protesting liberals and their allies in the MSM, I thought it would be appropriate to show how we have been down this road before. Of course liberals choose to ignore facts when presenting their arguments and ignore the millions of deaths that occurred in Southeast Asia after we pulled out of Vietnam and the region. The following is a link to an excellent article from It is an account of the events and the actions of the participants, many of whom are still very active in politics today, that led to one of the worst human catastrophes in history.

Long article but certainly worth the time to read. I was amazed at how many of the leftist arguments of the time sound strangely familiar to the arguments we are hearing today. All you have to do is substitute communism with Islamic fundamentalism.


Rooster Cashews said...

Zach DeLaRocha would like a word with you...

Richard said...
