Monday, August 29, 2005

Tinfoil Hat Alert!

While lurking at the democratic underground yesterday, something I really should not do as it is usually cause for a dramatic rise in my blood pressure, I came across a gem of a thread! This particular thread was relating how current events in the U.S. are very similar to Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy, basically equating Bush's administration to the Third Reich. They were conflicted though. They could not decide whether to invoke Hitler's name when trying to "convert" people to their way of thinking because of the negative connotations his name carries. You think? All you need to know about these people comes from this revealing little blurb:

"But, wouldn't it then be incumbent on the person playing the "Hitler card" to point out what it was that Hitler did? By avoiding it, don't we run the risk of repeating history? Shouldn't people be educated beyond visceral knowledge that Hitler killed 6 million Jews? What I mean by that is, focus on the real evil there. And this could just be my sole opinion shared by no one: fine. For me, what made the Holocaust so evil was not the killing of 6 million per se (though that was on its own ghastly) but the fact that the killing was done with the full sanction of a modern political/legal system. They successfully reduced it to a cold, antiseptic process, a governmental project (The Final Solution). That scares the HELL out of me. So bringing this back to topic, a good faith, valid comparison of what took place during the Third Reich and what is taking place here in corporate America. I think it's more than just preaching to the converted. If you lay out what took place and compare it to post-9/11 (you don't even have to bring up concentration camps) America, then the onus is on the person receiving the argument. And if they just walk away at the mere mention of Nazi Germany, then they're in denial from the get-go, and I highly doubt that you can reach them even if you don't play the "Hitler card." It's like the Dems trying to reach the Undecideds in the last election. By 2004, after what these rogues have done to us and other countries, if you still couldn't figure out whether or not you were going to vote for Bush, then I say move on to the next person.
I dunno..."

- D.U. Loon

Ok, so let's review. Hitler's Germany was not evil because they killed 6 million Jews, they were evil because they did it efficiently. Crazy.

1 comment:

Rooster Cashews said...

There's a reason the DU is often refered to as DUmmies.